If you feel like discovering a new favorite channel -- check out today's "trending" channels!

Classic Rock 1967

The biggest rock songs of 1967 from The Doors, The Moody Blues, Jimi Hendrix, and more!


Featuring songs by:

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Rock Guitar: The '60s

Clapton's Cream, Stephen Stills, the Stones, the Who, the Byrds, Santana, the Dead, and of course...

100 Greatest Rock Guitar Songs

A celebration of the songs ruled by an axe.

Legendary Voices of Classic Rock

The greatest vocal performances in Classic Rock history

Classic Rock Covers

Great classic rock...remade!

Surf Sounds

Rumbling drums, reverb-drenched twangin' guitars, and sweet vocal harmonies of Surf Rock

The Dude's Classic Rocktopia

Inspired by the movie "The Big Lebowski," here's our Classic Rocktopia channel with NO EAGLES!

The New Wave: 1983

Our prime collection of modern rock from a year of great releases from New Order, Aztec Camera, T...

Classic Rock 1983

This was the year of U2's War, Synchronicity by the Police, and Uh-huh by Mellencamp.

Rock's Top Debut Albums of the '70s

Opening salvos from rockers who stepped up in the '70s: Springsteen, the Cars, Petty, Van Halen, ...

Essential Rock Drum Performances

The big thump powering Cream, Rush, Tool, Zeppelin, Foo Fighters and the Who

This Is Music: 2000

Our collection of hits from the year that launched the 21st Century.

Classic Rock 1969

From The Rolling Stones' Let It Bleed to Zepplin to Abbey Road and The Who's "Tommy", it was a ye...

Rock Guitar Heroes featuring Eddie Van Halen

Classic & alternative rock guitarists, featuring the work of Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020)

Rock Alphabet: "O" is Opulence in Stereo

Sounds that make you go "Oh" from The Outsiders, OK Go, Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Roy Orbison an...

This Is Music: 1978

Here's a trip that takes you from Saturday Night Fever and Grease to Seger & The Stones. An adve...

Classic Rock 1978

Buckle up for an adventure through deep cuts from a year the gave birth to some cataclysmic shift...

This Is Music: 1970

These are the songs that filled the radio during the launch year for the AMC Gremlin and Earth Da...

This Is Music: 1984

Your favorites from the year of 'Born in the U.S.A.,' 'Purple Rain,' 'Like a Virgin,' and 'Footlo...

Country Yearbook 1992

A year of "Achy Breaky Heart," "Boot Scootin' Boogie," the film "Pure Country," and dancing in a ...

Classic Rock 1984

The Orwellian year that belonged to Van Halen, The Cars, Henley, U2 and The Scorpions.

Top 40: April 23, 1985

Radio's top hits when you had your first (and maybe last) sip of "New Coke"

Bill Gamble's Five-Star Radio

Our Country music curator's highest-rated songs... no surprise, it's tons of Country!

Shari McKinney's Five-Star Radio

A sweet combination of '70s & '80s Lite Rock, classic '80s Hip Hop, with a blend of southern Gosp...

Barb Prieto's Five-Star Radio

A wide mix of our R&B curator's personal favorites from the '70s to the '90s

Quitting Time Classic Rock

Fun & happy Classic Rock to end the day, kick off the weekend, or celebrate your hard work


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