With more than 1500 channels, AccuRadio proudly presents our newest channels!

Artist: Hinder

The following channels include songs by Hinder

Lite Hits Classics

Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s

HitKast Rock

The intersection of pop and rock

Top '00s Hits

Just the biggest hits of 2000-2009

Unplugged: Acoustic Versions

Alternative acoustic versions of rock and pop hits, with lots from the MTV performances

Top 40: June 10, 2007

The forty hottest songs on the day the final episode of "The Sopranos" had all eyes on HBO.

Nu Metal/Post Grunge

Big, loud rock from Shinedown, Godsmack, Disturbed, and Five Finger Death Punch

Rock for the People

'90s/2000s heavy rock focus, with killer new music plus a few classic gems

Rock and Alternative: 2005

Seether, Weezer, Shinedown, and Foo Fighters bring the best, the best, the best of 2005

Haunted Hits

A crowd-sourced channel of Adults Hits with "scary" sounding titles like "Love is a Stranger", "S...

2K Rock Hits

Rock of 2000-2010, with Green Day, Killers, Nickelback and more

Mary Alice's Five-Star Radio

Packed with pop, hip-hop, country, songbook classics & sock-hop hits. Mary Alice mixed in reggae,...

Lisa Hertay's Five-Star Radio

Lisa is a country music fan who loves a dash of lite hits. She listens to AccuRadio in British Co...

Lite Hits: AccuRadio 500

The 500 "Lite Hits" rated highest by AccuRadio listeners.


Songs about phones and phone calls from Carly Rae Jepsen, ELO, Blondie, Stevie Wonder and so many...

House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock

A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.

Five Decades of Rock

For rock fans who love it all... '60s-'00s


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